Avondale Personal Injury Lawyer

You face many challenges after you suffer an injury due to someone else’s actions. You may need medical treatment or even surgery, but you might not have the money to pay your medical bills. Worse yet, your injuries might disable you from earning a living. You cannot work until you get treatment, and you cannot get treatment until you work.

Your financial situation might become more precarious without some source of compensation. Fortunately, you can pursue an injury claim against those responsible for your injuries.

Whether you were injured in a car accident or a fall on someone else’s property, a personal injury lawyer from Gerber Injury Law can provide the knowledge, experience, and support to get just compensation for your injuries. Contact us to schedule a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Avondale, AZ.

Why Choose Gerber Injury Law for Your Injury Claim?

The lawyer you choose to handle your injury claim could be the most important decision you make after your accident. Our experience and track record of success can benefit you regardless of how you were injured or what injuries you suffered.

Gerber Injury Law was founded in 2009 and has successfully represented thousands of clients as they pursued justice and financial compensation against those responsible for harming them. We have recovered over $100 million in injury compensation for injured people like you.

Ken Gerber has over 25 years of legal experience. Most of these years were spent in the courtroom, first as a criminal prosecutor and then as an Avondale personal injury attorney. He sets high expectations for his law firm, committing it to the highest in client service.

How Will an Attorney Help With an Avondale Personal Injury Claim?

After an injury, you should consider speaking to a personal injury lawyer. An Avondale personal injury attorney will explain everything they will do to help you, including the following:

Assessing Your Claim

Most injury claims start long before any paperwork is filed. You will receive assistance from your lawyer from the first meeting. During your free consultation, we will listen to your story and assess the strength and value of your claim.

Lawyers have three options for proving liability. Intentional torts apply when the other party intends to make harmful contact with you. Assault committed during nursing home abuse can support an intentional tort.

Negligence applies when someone who owes you a legal duty fails to exercise reasonable care and injures you as a result. All drivers owe a duty of care to drive carefully around other road users. Negligence happens when they injure you by driving in an unreasonably dangerous way by speeding, disobeying traffic signals, or performing other careless actions.

Strict liability covers inherently dangerous activities like keeping dogs and manufacturing products. The other party is strictly liable for your injuries even when they acted reasonably. For example, you may have a legal claim when you get injured by a defective product, even if the manufacturer knew nothing of the defect.

After assessing the strength of your claim, we will determine its value. An injury claim can pursue compensation for economic and non-economic losses. Your economic losses include the financial costs of your injuries:

  • Medical bills
  • Income losses
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Out-of-pocket expenses

Non-economic losses cover the diminishment in your quality of life because of your injuries. These losses can include:

  • Pain
  • Mental suffering
  • Disability
  • Dismemberment
  • Disfigurement

A lawyer can often look at your medical and financial records and determine the value of your claim.

File an Insurance Claim

Most injury cases begin with an insurance claim. Liability insurance policies promise to pay any covered liabilities incurred by the policyholder. Examples of liability insurance that might apply to a personal injury case include the following:

  • Auto insurance covers car accidents
  • Homeowners insurance can cover slip and fall accidents and dog bites
  • Business property insurance may cover slip and fall accidents
  • Professional liability insurance may cover medical malpractice

An insurance claim explains your injuries and how they happened. The claim also includes proof of your losses. Your lawyer will gather evidence, such as medical records and witness statements, to support your claim. They will then submit the evidence to the insurer.

The insurance company assigns your claim to a claims adjuster. The adjuster examines your claim to ensure it falls within the at-fault party’s policy. If it does not, the adjuster will deny the claim. Your lawyer can respond to a claim denial with evidence and legal arguments to overcome it.

If the insurer accepts the claim, they will make a settlement offer. The initial offer is often ridiculously low. It might not even cover your documented medical bills. We will negotiate aggressively with the adjuster to try to reach a mutually agreeable settlement.

File a Lawsuit

Many injury cases will be settled without ever filing a lawsuit. However, a lawsuit may be necessary when the adjuster persists in a claim denial. It may also be necessary when the insurer refuses to offer fair terms to settle the claim.

Before filing a lawsuit, you and your lawyer will discuss your case strategy. An experienced lawyer from Gerber Injury Law knows which arguments have worked in the past. This helps us advise you in developing a strong compensation case.

We will prepare and file the complaint. This document describes the nature of your claim and sets the lawsuit in motion. When the other party responds, the insurer will join the lawsuit by defending them.

During the discovery phase of the lawsuit, we will exchange documents and other evidence with the other party. This process allows us to gather the evidence we need to prove your claim. We will also develop defenses based on the other party’s evidence and file motions to determine what each side can present at trial.

As you litigate your case, your attorney will continue to discuss settlement with the other party. Most lawsuits never reach trial. Instead, the parties settle the case, avoiding the unpredictability of a judge or jury. Even as we litigate aggressively on your behalf, we will keep open the possibility of settlement.

As the plaintiff, you get to decide whether to request a jury or bench trial. If your case reaches trial, we will present your evidence to the judge or jury, represent your interests, and advocate for your positions at trial.

At the end of the trial, the judge or jury will return a verdict. If it favors you, it will include a damage award. Your personal injury attorneys in Avondale will fight for everything you are entitled to under Arizona law.

Common Personal Injury Claims We Handle

Gerber Injury Law handles all types of injury claims, including the following:

Car Accidents

Arizona requires all vehicle owners to carry auto liability insurance. You can pursue an accident claim after a negligent driver crashes into you. Common causes of crashes that may qualify as negligence include:

  • Speeding and driving too fast for conditions
  • Following too closely
  • Disobeying traffic signs and signals
  • Failing to yield the right of way
  • Changing lanes unsafely

Car crashes can produce serious injuries like concussions, broken bones, and whiplash.

Truck Accidents

Trucking companies can bear the liability for crashes caused by their negligence in loading, repairing, or maintaining their trucks. They may also bear liability for negligently screening and hiring drivers. Finally, trucking companies may be vicariously liable for the actions of drivers employed by them.

Pedestrian and Bicycle Accidents

Pedestrians and bicyclists are considered vulnerable road users because they have no protection in a crash. When a motor vehicle hits them, they may experience catastrophic injuries that require expensive medical care and a lifetime of therapy.

Motorcycle Accidents

Negligent drivers often hit motorcyclists without ever seeing them. Inattentional blindness happens when drivers fail to spot motorcycles even when they are in plain sight. Motorcycle crashes frequently injure the head, neck, and limbs of a motorcycle operator or passenger, even when they wear a helmet.

Dog Bites

In Arizona, dog owners are strictly liable for unprovoked dog attacks. This means the owner must compensate the victim for their losses even if the dog had no history of viciousness or the owner took reasonable steps to try to restrain it.

Construction Accidents

Almost all workers in Arizona are covered by workers’ compensation. But in many cases, they might also have a third-party claim against a person or business, other than their employer, that contributed to the cause of their injuries.

For example, a construction accident might occur when a crane collapses. In addition to workers’ compensation claims, injured construction workers might also have a claim against the crane manufacturer.

Premises Liability

Property owners, managers, and tenants have a legal duty to keep their premises free from hazardous conditions. In Arizona, this means they must take reasonable steps to:

  • Inspect their premises for hazards
  • Post warnings so guests can avoid hazards
  • Repair hazardous conditions

Slip and fall accidents fall under premises liability. But premises liability can also cover other claims, like negligent security.

Product Liability

Manufacturers are strictly liable for injuries caused by defective products. Your attorney proves a product is defective by showing a design, manufacture, or warning defect. If a product is defective, the manufacturer is liable even if it did not intend or even know about the defect.

Medical Malpractice

Medical malpractice happens when a healthcare provider fails to meet the professional standard of care when treating patients. Not all adverse outcomes qualify as malpractice. Your lawyer must prove the outcome resulted from an unreasonable mistake by a doctor, dentist, nurse, hospital, or other provider.

Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse often results from negligence by the facility in screening, hiring, retaining, or supervising abusive workers. In other words, you or your loved one might have a claim for intentional harm against abusive nursing home workers and a claim for negligence against the facility.

Wrongful Death

The surviving family members of a deceased victim can seek compensation for their losses from the people or businesses responsible for the fatal injury or disease. For example, a trucking company might be liable for losses incurred by victims’ families after a fatal truck crash.

Call an Avondale Personal Injury Attorney Today

Injury law is based on fairness. It is unfair for accident victims to bear the burden of injuries caused by someone else’s negligent or otherwise wrongful actions. An injury claim provides a path for seeking compensation for medical costs, lost income, and other losses.

Contact Gerber Injury Law for a free case evaluation with an Avondale personal injury lawyer. We will discuss your injuries and your options for seeking financial compensation for the losses they caused.

Contact the attorneys at Gerber Injury Law for a free case review. Send us an online message or call 623-486-8300 24/7 to schedule your initial consultation in Arizona.


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