Rideshare Accident Lawyer in Arizona

The demand for rideshares is growing by the minute, with the global rideshare industry valued at over $95 billion. After all, who doesn’t love the convenience of an Uber or Lyft during a night out, on a special occasion, or even while running everyday errands?

That said, hailing a rideshare vehicle from Uber or Lyft should come with some safety assurances. Your driver should pay attention to the road and not text and drive, for example, and the vehicle should be properly maintained. Unfortunately, lax supervision from Uber and Lyft leads to dangerous and negligent drivers, as well as related rideshare accidents.

If you were recently injured in a rideshare accident in Phoenix, Arizona, contact Gerber Injury Law for a free consultation with our Uber and Lyft accident attorneys.

Rideshare accident lawyer in Arizona

Why Hire Gerber Injury Law?

There are lots of reasons to hire Gerber Injury Law to represent you in your rideshare accident case. Here are just a few:

  • We have experience going up against rideshare companies and winning positive results on behalf of clients. Since 2001, our lawyers have obtained over $55 million for clients.
  • We do not back down from a challenge or refuse difficult cases. We take on complex claims and powerful defendants in pursuit of justice and full compensation for our clients.
  • We are highly experienced trial lawyers. Attorney Ken Gerber has decades of experience handling jury trials, giving him an edge during settlement negotiations.
  • We provide a personal touch on all personal injury claims. We will answer your questions, take your calls, and always be honest and straightforward. We lend a hand, from our family to yours.

With that in mind, let’s talk a little bit more about what these cases look like, and what they require for a successful resolution.

What Is a Rideshare Accident?

Put simply, any accident that involves rideshares such as Uber or Lyft vehicles can cause personal injuries and resulting damages. An accident may occur while you are a passenger in a rideshare vehicle, for example, which may be the fault of the driver or a third party. Or, you may collide with a driver in an Uber or Lyft, causing an accident and injuries. After a rideshare accident, it is important to understand who is at fault. It is possible to hold the driver, the company, and even some other third parties liable for the damages they have caused you.

Common Causes of Rideshare Accidents

Driver error is the main cause of Uber and Lyft accidents, which can occur for a variety of reasons, including the following:

  • Distracted driving
  • Drunk or impaired driving
  • Drowsy driving
  • Speeding or traveling at an unsafe speed under the circumstances
  • Ignoring rights-of-way or traffic signals
  • Merging unlawfully
  • Breaking traffic laws
  • Running red lights or stop signs
  • Following too closely
  • Reckless or negligent driving
  • Poor vehicle maintenance
  • Lack of sufficient driver training or supervision

What Are Your Rights as the Victim of a Rideshare Accident?

Rideshare accidents are not like typical car accidents. The claims process is different, and as an injured victim in an Uber or Lyft accident, you may have more options than just a claim against the at-fault driver. You may qualify for additional coverage through the rideshare company’s insurance policy to be fully reimbursed for your damages. Both Uber and Lyft have $1 million in insurance coverage for crash victims. You may qualify for different maximum amounts depending on whether the driver was on the way to pick up a passenger, waiting for a ride, or transporting someone.

In general, an Uber or Lyft accident claim will first go to the insurance provider of the rideshare driver. All Uber and Lyft drivers must maintain their own private insurance policies on top of coverage from the company, according to Arizona’s minimum insurance requirements. When a rideshare driver causes an accident, his or her private insurance will pay for your damages first.

If you reach the maximum limit on the driver’s insurance, Uber or Lyft’s insurance will cover the remaining balance. It can be difficult, however, to obtain fair insurance coverage from a rideshare company.

Common Rideshare Accident Injuries

There are numerous types of personal injuries that occur during rideshare accidents, and the following are just some examples:

  • Head injuries, concussions, and traumatic brain injuries
  • Back, neck, and spinal injuries, including in some cases partial or full paralysis
  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Potential internal injuries or bleeding
  • Soft tissue injuries, such as whiplash
  • In very serious cases, catastrophic injuries such as the loss of a limb, disfigurement, or permanent scarring
  • In the most serious cases, the wrongful death of a loved one

Who Is Liable in a Rideshare Accident?

In most cases, driver error causes rideshare accidents; however, it is possible to hold not only the driver but also the company liable under the legal claim of negligence. To make a claim for negligence, you will need to show that the other party breached their duty of care to you — such as by driving in an unsafe or reckless manner — and that their actions directly caused your injuries.

In some cases, fault for the accident may lie not only with the driver but also with the rideshare company: for example, where the company fails to train, vet, or supervise its drivers properly. Rideshare drivers do not receive any special training before they accept passengers. Unlike the taxi industry, ridesharing has a contractor business model rather than employees. An Uber or Lyft driver is the same as any other driver and just as prone to making the same mistakes; however, the driver is also responsible for the lives and safety of those in the vehicle.

Identifying who or what caused your rideshare accident in Arizona is important, as issues of liability and damages will be central to your claim after your accident. At Gerber Injury Law, our Phoenix accident lawyers have years of experience investigating auto accidents and detecting signs of fault. Once the facts of your case are thoroughly investigated, we can bring a claim against the correct party or parties in pursuit of fair damages for you. Our lawyers will not allow you to settle your claim for less than its true value.

What To Do Following a Car Accident in a Rideshare Vehicle

Following a rideshare vehicle collision, it’s crucial to take specific actions to safeguard your legal rights, preserve vital evidence for your case, and make sure you receive the medical care you need. Address any personal injuries promptly, either by seeking immediate medical attention at a hospital or from emergency medical professionals at the scene. Some personal injuries may not manifest immediately after your accident, so it’s important to get a clear picture of the full extent of your injuries as soon as possible.

Thoroughly documenting the accident is also essential because it will help you support your claim. Take photos of the accident site, your vehicle damage, any personal property affected, and your injuries. Gather statements from witnesses detailing what they saw, and also record your own account promptly while the accident is still fresh in your mind. Collect contact information from witnesses, as well as the other party, and make sure you take down their insurance information.

To protect your legal rights, consult an experienced Arizona personal injury attorney who understands the issues involved in rideshare accidents. They can navigate negotiations with the other party and their insurance company to secure a fair settlement.

Dealing with a large insurer can be challenging on your own. An attorney specializing in rear-end collisions will investigate the facts, evaluate damages, understand and research nuanced legal issues, and file claims as appropriate. If an out-of-court resolution isn’t feasible, they’ll prepare and present a strong legal case on your behalf in court.

Why You Need a Rideshare Accident Lawyer to Help With Your Personal Injury Claim

Liability laws, comparative negligence, statutes of limitations, and burdens of proof are just some of the elements you may have to navigate as the plaintiff of a rideshare accident claim in Arizona. It can be easy to make a misstep or mistake that ultimately hurts your claim to damages as an unrepresented plaintiff.

When you hire an attorney, however, you can rest assured a professional is protecting your rights while you concentrate on recuperating and putting your life back together. Your lawyer can file an Uber or Lyft accident claim for you, deal with insurance companies, and demand maximum compensation for your damages on your behalf.

In the past, rideshare companies had notorious difficulty holding themselves accountable for accidents. Previous collisions involving Uber and Lyft drivers that caused serious injuries and deaths have led to liability disputes from the company. All rideshare drivers are independent contractors in Arizona, which, on its face, protects Uber and Lyft from vicarious liability for the negligence of their drivers. Holding a rideshare company liable for your car accident may take assistance from an attorney.

A rideshare accident lawyer from Gerber Injury Law will have experience forcing Uber and Lyft to take responsibility for crashes involving their drivers. If a negligent rideshare driver crashed into you or crashed while you were a rider, we can argue your side of the case to increase your chances of a positive result.

Our attorneys can represent you during negotiations with Uber or Lyft’s insurance provider, as well as during an injury trial, if necessary. Hiring a lawyer enables you to maximize the compensation you receive for an Arizona rideshare accident.

Talk to a Rideshare Accident Attorney at Gerber Injury Law Today

A rideshare accident can leave you with serious injuries, not to mention significant financial damages. Because this is a fairly new and complicated area of the law, many challenges may present while you try to recover compensation.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a rideshare accident in Arizona as a result of the negligent actions of someone else, reach out to the team at Gerber Injury Law for help today. We have the resources necessary to handle every aspect of your injury claim, and we want to make sure you receive the compensation necessary to make a full recovery. This includes coverage of your medical bills, lost income, pain and suffering damages, and more.

If you’ve been injured in a rideshare accident, call Gerber Injury Law’s personal injury attorneys for a free consultation 602-900-9286 or reach us online.

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