Why the Dinosaur?

Hi, this is Megan Gerber and I’ve been asked many times “Why the Dinosaur?” but people LOVE it!

It all started with our 12 month old son, 16 yrs ago with a dinosaur movie from Costco. Our son Jack was diagnosed as a non verbal autistic child at the age of 3 and didn’t start speaking until 5. The one thing he always loved was dinosaurs! We thought it would be a phase just like any child but nope, at 17 he still loves paleontology and is considering that as a career in the future.

During these last 16 years, we have supported our son with collecting fossils. We befriended world renowned paleontologist, Dr. Paul Sereno, at the University of Chicago. If you’ve been to any dinosaur exhibit, you likely seen his picture, but you most definitely have seen his work. We even went on a paleontology dig in Wyoming with Paul and his crew and helped dig up a dinosaur. What an amazing experience! Maybe I’ll add some pictures of our son and his fossils.

So why the T-Rex? Jack’s love of dinosaurs became our love for dinosaurs, and when it came time to redesign our billboards, it was time for a dino!

We let Jack pick out the dinosaur and approve the billboard. The smile on his face to see something he created on such a big board brings us such joy.

So you may like it, or think it’s silly, but we love it. We are tired of the injury firm boards with the faces. They all look the same.

Now, our son wants to open a little fossil museum in Surprise, AZ so he can display and talk to anyone that’s interested in visiting. We think it’s a great idea and we totally support him doing that!

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