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Phoenix Area Monsoon Driving Tips | Gerber Injury Law

You could find yourself in need of a Phoenix car accident lawyer during the monsoon season in Arizona, which typically runs from mid-June to late September. Drivers in the valley are well aware of the many adverse driving conditions.  As a result, car accidents do happen during monsoon season.

A monsoon usually starts with heavy winds and sometimes a wall of dust. Thunder, lightning and torrential downpours typically follow. Flash floods come next on the list, making driving conditions treacherous. It’s not unusual to encounter slippery roads, flooded highways (yes, even in the valley) and poor visibility. That’s why it’s important to practice safe driving habits so you won’t find yourself in need of a Phoenix car accident lawyer as a result of a bad crash.

What you can do ahead of time to stay safe

Inspect Your Car

Check tires for Phoenix Monsoon Driving

Make sure your windshield wipers are working correctly and replace broken or worn ones. Check your tire tread. Insert a quarter head first into the grooves. If there’s any space above Washington’s head, it’s time to replace. Also, replace any headlights or brake lights that are out.

Plan ahead and leave early to avoid traffic congestion which is usually worse in monsoon driving conditions. Studies show that there are more car accidents occur in hazardous weather. Stay safe.

Safe driving tips

Slow Down

Oil and grime on the pavement rise to the surface when it rains meaning wet streets are incredibly slick and slippery, making it tougher to get traction. Driving slower means there’s a more significant amount of the tire’s tread making contact with the road, giving you better traction. Drive at a steady pace and avoid jerky movements when accelerating, braking or turning.

Don’t Tailgate

It takes three times longer to stop on a wet road than a dry one. Increase the distance you usually keep from the car in front of you.

Pull Over

If you must pullover in a severe storm, move completely off of the road and turn your lights off. When there’s poor visibility, other drivers will follow tail lights or brake lights instead of staying on the pavement.

Don’t Drive Through Flooded Areas

Only a few inches of water can move your whole car. Even here in the valley, flooding can occur on the freeways and neighborhood streets within minutes of a torrential downpour. Be alert for posted flood warning signs or barricades. If you drive around a barrier and become stranded in a flooded area, you will have to pay for your rescue under Arizona’s “Stupid Motorist Law.”

If your car stalls in water, climb onto the roof and call 911 from your cell phone. If the water level is low enough to wade to safety, do so but be careful of holes and slippery rocks.

Downed Power Lines

If power lines fall on your car while you’re inside, stay in your vehicle. Wait for help to arrive. If you must leave your vehicle, do not touch your car and ground at the same time. Jump out and land with both feet together. Shuffle or hop with both feet until you’re at least 50 feet away from your car.


Don’t park your car under a tree or utility pole. High winds can uproot trees, break branches and knock down poles.

If you end up getting injured in a monsoon car crash due to the negligence of another driver and need a Phoenix car accident lawyer, please call us here at Gerber Injury Law.