If you’re in a car accident, the best-case scenario is that it ruins your day. Unfortunately, many car accidents have devastating results.
Typically, accident repairs cost thousands of dollars. If it becomes necessary to seek medical treatment, the costs of an accident are even higher. In worst-case scenarios, an accident victim is killed, and surviving family members must deal with the repercussions.
Car accidents are a regular occurrence in Mesa and across the state of Arizona. According to the state’s Department of Transportation, Arizona had more than 120,000 car accidents in 2021. About 80 percent of those crashes occurred in urban areas like Mesa, and about 70 percent of all fatal accidents that year also happened in Arizona cities.
What Makes an Intersection Dangerous?
Intersections are a necessary part of our roadways, but areas where roads and paths cross create areas with a higher risk for collision. According to the Federal Highway Administration, about 25 percent of all traffic fatalities and 50 percent of all traffic-related injuries occur at intersections.
Three factors contribute to the most dangerous intersections in Mesa being as risky as they are: conflict points, vehicle speed, and potential collision angle.
Conflict points are areas in an intersection where vehicles may crash with other vehicles, bicyclists, or pedestrians. While all conflict points are potentially dangerous, those involving left turns are particularly risky for accidents. Roundabouts and other intersection designs that reduce the number of left turns tend to be much safer than conventional intersections.
The risk of serious injury increases as vehicle speed increases, regardless of whether that higher speed occurs inside an intersection or not. Intersection designs that cause vehicles to reduce speed as they approach are safer than those that do not.
Collision angle is a major factor when it comes to accident severity. For example, head-on collisions tend to be the most severe, while sideswipe collisions tend to be the least severe. Intersection designs that minimize the potential for head-on and right-angle collisions are much safer than those that do not.
Most Dangerous Intersections in Mesa
Avoiding dangerous stretches of road is a good way to steer clear of a car accident. Although it isn’t an intersection, US Route 60 is one of the most dangerous roads in Mesa. Both residents and tourists use the highway to get in and out of downtown. The combination of high traffic and high-speed limits is a dangerous one, and this highway tends to see a relatively high number of serious car accidents.
That being said, there are a couple of particularly dangerous intersections in Mesa that see more car accidents than others throughout the city, according to data from the Maricopa Association of Governments Transportation Safety Committee (MAG). These include the intersection of Dobson Road and University Drive, and 8th Avenue B and Alma Road.
Dobson Road and University Drive
Located centrally and north of Route 60, the intersection of Dobson Road and University Drive is one of the most dangerous intersections in Mesa. This intersection is near the rapidly growing Asian District and just down the street from Banner Desert Medical Center and Mesa Community College, which both draw significant traffic. The intersection has a standard design, and it brings together multiple lanes of traffic, creating many different conflict points, including many that involve left-hand turns. According to MAG data, there were 75 car crashes at this intersection between 2017 and 2021.
The intersection of Dobson Road and University Drive has had several high-profile accidents in recent years. In 2019, a DUI suspect fled the scene of an accident, leaving three young children in the car. In 2020, police investigated an accident involving a vehicle and a pedestrian. In 2024, a driver was killed when his car struck a power pole, causing it to catch fire.
8th Avenue B and Alma School Road
Located in an older neighborhood and close to downtown, the intersection of 8th Avenue B and Alma School Road is the second-most dangerous intersection in Mesa. This intersection also brings together multiple lanes for vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian traffic. The large number of shops and restaurants in the immediate area tends to draw a lot of traffic, creating ideal conditions for an accident. According to MAG data, 49 accidents occurred at the intersection between 2017 and 2021.
Although this intersection has not had as many high-profile accidents as the Dobson Road and University Drive intersection, it has had a few over the years. One of the more notable was in 2016, when a head-on collision sent three people to the hospital. Thankfully, the three victims did not suffer life-threatening injuries.
What are Some Other Dangerous Intersections in Maricopa County?
Based on factors like the number of crashes and crash severity, the two most dangerous intersections in Mesa ranked 86th (Dobson and University) and 100th (8th and Alma School) in the recent MAG report.
While the two intersections listed above are the most dangerous in Mesa, there aren’t anywhere near the most dangerous intersections in Maricopa County. According to Arizona data, the vast majority of the county’s most dangerous intersections are in Phoenix or the greater Phoenix-Glendale area.
What To Do After a Car Accident in Mesa
Unfortunately, the most dangerous roads in Mesa and Maricopa County tend to be areas that are difficult for many people to completely avoid. If you find yourself regularly passing through a dangerous intersection or stretch of road, it’s important to know what to do in the event of a car accident.
A car accident is often a traumatic experience affecting the entire body. Physical injuries are typically only part of the equation, and mental trauma can result in lasting negative effects. Also, some physical injuries don’t present themselves with obvious symptoms. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to seek medical attention as quickly as possible after being in a car crash. A thorough medical examination will be able to diagnose the injuries typically associated with a car accident, which can include:
- Traumatic brain injuries
- Broken bones
- Mental trauma
- Internal bleeding
- Spinal cord injuries
- Burns
- Dismemberment
- Crushing injuries
A prompt medical examination can ensure that these injuries are recognized and properly treated. A medical examination also helps to document the extent of your injuries so that you can pursue compensation.
Under Arizona law, accident victims are able to recover compensation for the losses they may suffer, including medical costs, loss of income, and lower quality of life. If someone is killed in a car accident, surviving family members can take legal action to cover their losses, such as funeral costs, burial expenses, and the loss of companionship that their loved one would have provided.
But before they take legal action, accident victims will first receive compensation through an insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies are motivated to downplay the extent of losses suffered by accident victims to avoid paying compensation. Victims must keep this in mind when interacting with insurance companies and avoid providing any statements on the extent of their injuries without first consulting an attorney.
After your injuries have been treated, you should consult with a car accident attorney in Mesa. An attorney can represent you in your communications with an insurance company and ensure that you receive the compensation you need to move forward with your life. An attorney can also advise you on moving forward with legal action against the person responsible for causing the accident.
Who Is Liable for Your Mesa Car Accident?
Unlike “no-fault” states, where an insurance company provides compensation to policyholders regardless of who caused the accident, Arizona is a “fault-based” state where victims often receive compensation based on who is found responsible for causing the accident.
You can file a claim with your own insurance company, regardless of whether you caused the accident. You can also file a claim against another driver if you believe they were responsible for the accident. The driver’s insurance company will review the claim, determine if their policyholder was at fault, and offer compensation based on their findings.
Car accidents are complicated situations and determining liability is rarely a straightforward exercise. Arizona’s “comparative negligence” system recognizes this complexity and someone who may have played a small part in the accident, perhaps by going 5 miles per hour over the speed limit, can still recover compensation from another driver who had more of a role in causing the accident.
Under Arizona’s comparative negligence laws, if a plaintiff is found partly responsible for an accident, the compensation they receive is decreased by the percentage to which they contributed, as determined by a judge or jury. For example, if a jury determines that a plaintiff was 10 percent responsible for causing the accident, the compensation they recover for medical bills and other losses would be reduced by that percentage.
Don’t let comparative negligence scare you away from trying to recover the compensation you need. Experienced Mesa car accident attorneys can help you navigate the system and prevent a car accident from devastating you financially.
What Is the Statute of Limitations for Filing a Lawsuit in Arizona?
The statute of limitations is the window of time available to accident victims for filing a lawsuit. In Arizona, the statute of limitations is two years from the day of the vehicle accident. After two years have passed, accident victims forfeit their right to file a lawsuit, in most situations.
There have been some exceptions granted for this statute of limitations. Most notably, exceptions have been made for people who were a minor at the time of the accident, so that they can file a lawsuit when they become an adult.
It is important to note that the statute of limitations starts from the date of the accident and not the date that injuries were diagnosed. If you are in an accident and three years later, it is revealed that you broke your arm, you cannot file a lawsuit to recover damages for the accident.
While accident victims have two years to take action, it’s best to move forward with a potential claim as quickly as possible. Talking to a lawyer might not seem very appealing when you’re still trying to recover from the mental and physical trauma of being in a car accident. Furthermore, the idea of going to court may not seem attractive.
However, it is a good idea to consult with an attorney as soon as possible after an accident. Over time, evidence can disappear, and witness memories can fade. For example, video footage from a security camera could show that another driver was responsible for your injuries, but the camera’s owner might routinely delete video to conserve storage space.
It is also important to note that many car accident lawsuits don’t make it to trial. Legal claims are typically settled between an insurance company and the plaintiff. Because trials are very expensive, insurance companies find it cheaper to settle with an accident victim rather than fight a claim in court.
How a Mesa Car Accident Lawyer Help with Your Claim
Retaining a lawyer after being involved in a car accident is a big decision, and it’s normal for people to feel reluctant. However, an experienced attorney can provide all kinds of assistance, from legal expertise to giving you the peace of mind that comes with knowing you explored all of your legal options.
Legal Expertise
Gained through formal education and years of legal practice experience, car accident attorneys bring a deep understanding of legal options and processes. They understand the laws and legal precedents that relate to your case. They can counsel you on the best possible course of action.
Experienced attorneys can also help you pursue legal action through a thorough investigation. This involves gathering documentation such as accident reports and medical records. It also involves interviewing witnesses and soliciting evidence from a defendant during legal discovery.
Car accident lawyers use investigative techniques to determine liability. They can reconstruct the accident and build a case that shows who was responsible for causing it. This may require bringing in subject matter experts who can speak to more technical aspects of the case. For example, an attorney might bring in a medical expert who can testify to the extent of your injuries and how they will affect your life moving forward.
Legal expertise is also critical to navigating complex legal proceedings. Experienced attorneys understand procedures and deadlines. They know how to meet legal requirements to ensure that your claim isn’t undercut by procedural mistakes. If your claim involves multiple drivers or different kinds of disputes, it is even more important to have legal expertise on your side.
Representing Your Best Interests
Fighting to recover compensation can be a lonely and intimidating battle. Insurance companies are looking to minimize the compensation they pay, and other drivers will be looking to avoid blame and possibly shift the blame back onto you. An experienced attorney understands how to push back against both insurance companies and defendants. They know how to communicate with both the court and other parties in a way that puts your case in the best possible light.
Often, an insurance company or defendant will look to settle a car accident claim. Your attorney will counsel you on the best possible course of action and represent you in settlement negotiations. They can also recommend alternate courses of action, such as mediation, to settle a claim quickly and amicably.
If your claim goes to trial, it is critical to have legal representation. In a courtroom, your attorney can make a strong opening argument, present evidence, prepare witnesses, cross-examine defense witnesses, and make a strong closing argument. An attorney can help you make a compelling case to a judge or jury and ensure you get the full compensation to which you are entitled. If a car accident has burdened you with medical bills, damages, lasting injuries, and more, it is critical to have a powerful advocate on your side.
Offering Peace of Mind
When it comes to the serious matters surrounding a car accident, walking away with peace of mind might seem relatively trivial. However, regret is a terrible thing, and many of us have things we wish we could take back when we look back on our lives. Retaining the services of an experienced car accident lawyer gives you that critical peace of mind and helps you come away from a terrible situation, feeling like you did everything you possibly could.
In a Car Accident in Mesa? Gerber Injury Law Is Here to Help
At Gerber Injury Law, our team of attorneys has extensive experience when it comes to Arizona car accidents, especially involving the most dangerous roads in Mesa and the most dangerous intersections in Mesa. Our lawyers have experience with fatal car accidents and unique situations, including rideshare accidents. They are even prepared to take on accidents involving self-driving vehicles, which will become more common as the technology goes mainstream.
If you’re been in an accident, call 623-486-8300 or contact us online today. Remember, you won’t pay anything unless we win.