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Do You Need an Attorney for a Minor Car Accident?

Nobody wants to be involved in a car accident, even one that is seemingly minor. However, one thing that many people quickly realize after being involved in a car accident is that even a crash that may not seem severe right away may, in fact, be much more serious than they realized. It is not uncommon for a “minor” crash to actually involve relatively severe injuries that may not appear until hours or days later. Additionally, there are times when minor cosmetic damage is covering up serious auto body problems caused by the accident. Here, we want to discuss whether or not you need a Phoenix car accident lawyer after a minor car crash.

Common Circumstances Where You Should Consider an Attorney

There are various reasons that any car accident victim should consider consulting with a skilled lawyer. First, if there are any injuries or significant property damage, a car accident victim should work with a lawyer. However, injuries and significant property damage effectively take a car accident out of the realm of a “minor” incident.

The likelihood of a small fender bender, a sideswipe, or other minor incident resulting in a severe injury or major property damage is slim but not unheard of. Often, the answer to whether or not you need an attorney for a minor crash is “no,” but there are instances where even a minor accident requires legal expertise. This will all depend on the circumstances surrounding the incident, injuries and delayed pain, vehicle damage, and determining fault.

Some of the instances where you may need to consult an attorney after a minor car accident include:

  • Injuries that need long-term treatment
  • Disagreement about who was at fault for the incident
  • A failure to agree on fair compensation amounts
  • If an insurance claim is denied

Additionally, if handling your car accident claim is too stressful, or if you have doubts about anything related to the incident, there is nothing wrong with calling an attorney to get a free consultation about your case. Disputes over liability after a car crash can occur, even for minor vehicle accidents. The reality is that a minor vehicle crash may result in thousands of dollars in property damage. If the other party claims that you were at fault for the incident, this could leave you on the line for covering significant bills.

We want you to keep in mind that insurance carriers have teams of adjusters and lawyers on their side who all have one goal – to limit the amount of money they pay you. However, an experienced car accident lawyer in Arizona can level the playing field with their resources and legal expertise.

Delayed Injuries May Be a Problem

We want to devote some time to speaking about delayed injuries after a vehicle accident. Often, the adrenaline that rushes through our bodies after a crash, even a minor one, mask the signs and symptoms of more severe injuries. It is not uncommon for those involved in the vehicle accident to not realize they have actually sustained a rather significant injury until hours or even days after the crash occurs. If the injury victim seeks medical care hours or days after the incident, insurance carriers could use this delayed treatment as a reason to say that the injuries were not caused by the crash. However, if a crash victim secures a skilled car accident lawyer after they know they have been injured, they will have a much better chance of recovering compensation for their losses.